§威相簿§ 我家狗狗@weibum.com
友情演出: Jim
§攪攪四格§ Tags: Gang, Play, Spring, 士兵妹
yaya o係admin 的skin度, 三個最好都齊 – xml/rsd, feeds/rss20, feeds/atom …
我估我o係Admin到見過呢個checkbox, 係咪? 等我攪埋手頭上o既野再慢慢研究下先~oo^
嗯… 其實比人subscribe rss feed 最主要o既原因係比d人 o係rss reader 知道你個blog D headlines 同埋update左… 唔洗攪好多野架咋, 你裝nucleus o個陣default 有rss 架wor, 我諗你可能唔知咩哩所以delete左哩個blogware o既function, 而且我睇你d source條link都仲係度, 又唔見你delete, 所以奇怪我用bloglines subscribe時完全define唔到….
anyway, just found a good ref. in google, you may visit the below url for more information regarding to rss:
ana, 因為我仲心大心細俾唔俾人subscribe, 依家又忙緊公司野, 所以咪冇囉。
anyway, why I cannot subscribe your rss?
yeah~ nucleus is a wonderful program, you can make it simple or whatever you want, my friend introduced it to me and I loved it at the 1st sight!
Btw, welcome you back ^^
glad to see you are using nucleus
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yaya o係admin 的skin度, 三個最好都齊 – xml/rsd, feeds/rss20, feeds/atom …
我估我o係Admin到見過呢個checkbox, 係咪?
嗯… 其實比人subscribe rss feed 最主要o既原因係比d人 o係rss reader 知道你個blog D headlines 同埋update左… 唔洗攪好多野架咋, 你裝nucleus o個陣default 有rss 架wor, 我諗你可能唔知咩哩所以delete左哩個blogware o既function, 而且我睇你d source條link都仲係度, 又唔見你delete, 所以奇怪我用bloglines subscribe時完全define唔到….
anyway, just found a good ref. in google, you may visit the below url for more information regarding to rss:
ana, 因為我仲心大心細俾唔俾人subscribe, 依家又忙緊公司野, 所以咪冇囉。
anyway, why I cannot subscribe your rss?
yeah~ nucleus is a wonderful program, you can make it simple or whatever you want, my friend introduced it to me and I loved it at the 1st sight!
Btw, welcome you back ^^
glad to see you are using nucleus